Stars and Stripes Betta Fish:  Facts + Photos

The stars and stripes betta is one of the rarest types of betta fish is the stars and stripes betta fish. This spectacular fish is difficult to find due to limited breeding.

What is a stars and stripes betta fish?

Stripes on a stars and stripes betta fish occur due to a genetic mutation, making this fish hard to find in pet stores.

Stars and stripes betta fish have the same feisty temperament as other types of betta fish.


Some people think that bettas will feed on aquarium plants, but that's not true.  Stars and stripes bettas are carnivorous fish and need a protein-rich diet.


Neon tetras, small corydoras, and other aquatic animals like guppies, mystery snails, African dwarf frogs, and shrimps like Amano shrimp, cherry shrimp, and ghost shrimps make great tank mates for stars and stripes betta fish.

Tank Mates

Tank Size

A single stars and stripes betta fish needs a minimum five-gallon tank.

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